Mens Ministry
Mission Staement We, the men at Mt. Zion, vow to abide by the church’s doctrines and carefully follow

Youth & Young Adults Ministry
Goal “To serve the poor, hurting and disillusioned in Christ’s name.” Matthew 25: 35 For I was hungry

Community Outreach & Hospitality Ministry
Goal “To serve the poor, hurting and disillusioned in Christ’s name.” Matthew 25: 35 For I was hungry

Childrens Ministry
Philosophy To train up a child in the way he/she should go, and when they are older, will

Womens Ministry
Mission The women’s ministry strives to serve God by fostering friendships, welcoming new church members, and edifying the

Audio / Visual Ministry
Our Mission We strive to provide an excellent worship experience through the use of technology and to reach

Family Life Ministry
Mission To be a church where families are transformed to reflect the love of Christ. Vision For

Ushers Ministry
Our Mission Guided by the Holy Spirit, we meet, greet, seat, and serve members and guests with warmth
Explore the Heart of Our Community
Witness the Power of Faith
Welcome to the Mount Zion Fellowship Church Gallery! This space offers a glimpse into the vibrant life of our church community. From inspiring Sunday services to impactful community events and joyful gatherings, our gallery reflects the heart and spirit of Mount Zion Fellowship Church.
Take a moment to explore these cherished memories and witness how God is moving within our congregation. We invite you to be a part of these special moments and join us in creating more memories together.
Browse our gallery and experience the journey of faith, love, and community at Mount Zion Fellowship Church.