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Become A Donor
So when you give to the needy, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. Matthew 6:3

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4217 County Road 401C, Alvarado, TX, 76009

(+1) - (817) - 781 - 6512

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Sabbath School Ministry

Our Sabbath School starts every Sabbath at 9:30 am and ends at 10:45 am. Sabbath School has four main objectives

Centered Around Jesus

  • Bible Study
  • Fellowship through multiple activities
  • Training and nurture
  • World Mission



The Sabbath School helps foster fellowship among members in the weekly Sabbath School program, develop projects for recruiting new members and integrating them into church life, and find ways of restoring inactive members. We do this by giving every member a chance to participate and explore his or her spiritual gifts by rotating coordination of the program through the four main church ministries (children, youth, women, and men) and between the five connect groups, which are the home-based Bible study groups. The Sabbath School program between 9:30 and 10:00 AM is designed by the coordinating group and therefore unique every Sabbath and includes songs, short sermons, memory verses, words of encouragement, and many more.


Study of the Word

The Sabbath School helps the students understand the gospel, make a personal commitment to it, and grow spiritually through study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. It helps students develop a prayer program and teaches them how to interpret and apply the principles of the Scriptures to their lives. The Sabbath School classes are divided by age groups, where age-appropriate curriculum materials are used. The bible study classes run from 10:00 to 10:45 AM.


Adult English Class Adult Bible Study Guide
Young Adult 18 – 30 years Adult Bible Study Guide
Teens 13 – 17 years Cornerstone Connection
Juniors 8 – 12 years Power Points
Kindergarten 4 – 7 years Kindergarten
beginner 0 – 3 years Beginner
Baptismal Class Seventh day Adventist Beliefs


Community Outreach

The Sabbath School helps its students to catch a vision of the church’s mission in the community, train them for service, and inspire them to witness. By encouraging every member’s participation and involvement, the Sabbath School has developed eager members who go into the community for outreach activities.


World Mission Emphasis

The Sabbath School presents a clear vision of the global mission of the church and promotes a personal, systematic, and self-denying commitment to the support of world missions and fosters in all a desire to help fulfill the gospel commission. This is encouraged through the mission and 13th Sabbath Offerings.


Ministry Leadership

This ministry is headed by Mr. Michael M